Famous art of arranging space
Before buying a home it is strongly recommended you to homeowner consolidation loans. The family room is the center of a home due to a family gathering in this space to mingle either before or after doing daily activities. There are basic things you need to know if you want to arrange the living room. What is it? .Here Are tips that will guide you in arranging the family room is desired:Determining Themes and Style / Style
Determining "theme and atmosphere" as a first step in planning for your family room. This one is more personal. Can be tailored to the theme and style of your home or emphasize a theme or specific theme to give the impression of depth. Approach to the themes and styles can be through consideration of the function space, the needs of family members and the overall building area. Here is the arrangement of styles / style family room:
For a family room usually dominated by soil-colored elements, ranging from brown soil, until light brown (beige) and the strong use of wood elements to give the impression of a warm and friendly.For classic furniture usually have their main characteristics such as the use of wood materials and ornament or decoration. The decorative motifs mostly adopt motifs flora, fauna, geometry, crown and weapons of war.
The dominant colors used in classic furniture is in accordance with the natural brown color of the wood or use a solid paint (duco) white, yellow gold, white silver, black or dark brown. (source: Serial Houses, Chairs Classic), If you want to renovate the house do not hesitate to go to a home improvement loan rate.
modern classic
For a classic modern style usually choose neutral colors for a more "safe" like gradation brown, black, white, or beige. For furniture, because modern has been selected so dominant style, choose a simple design and not a lot of ornaments. So that will put a touch of classic?Luxury can be presented from the classic chandelier, classic design bedside lamps, mirrors, paintings, and other trinkets. One thing to remember, remained faithful to the original color choice. So, whatever style of furniture or accessories, color choices should remain in a common thread. Unless you are interested in making an accent. It also should be noted that placing.
We recommend placing furniture or accessory, which will be used as accents, in one corner of it. Do not give out a variety of accessories, with a variety of colors, in various corners of the room. If this happens, might want to present an impression of elegance that is lost.
Classic touch can be applied to the bedside lamp and curtains. Mix. If you want more luxury highlight classic style, choose a patterned cushion golden medal. It could also put a single chair classic style pieces. if you have your cost constraints will obtain a solution in a home improvement loan rate.
The minimalist design is a stylish modern design flow that is very functional and does not give space in the form of ornamentation or decoration at all, with reference to the rule of less is more and form follow function.The minimalist design in general use soft colors and neutral. White is a classic choice to give the impression of clean minimalism. For a minimal accessories on walls to reinforce the impression of a minimalist.
Room furniture can be combined and match with the color of the walls. Ideally, the color of the furniture is matching color to paint the walls. When the cream-colored walls of the room, try furniture ranges in color beige monochrome or color matching. In the selection of furniture is more emphasis on functionality and simple bentukkan as well as in the neat and tidy arrangement to provide a broad impression.
Lighting used to rely more on natural light, so that during the day, not much light is needed. To implement this, of course, it takes a lot of openings, windows and canopies.
Suggestions for a small living room, you can apply a style / style minimalist composition two-seat sofa (two seaters), a single seater sofa, and a small table. If there is still more room to add a corner table. Existing furniture if possible against the wall to the living room look more spacious.
modern minimalis
Family room modern minimalist style would be supported by a minimalist interior and furniture as well. Interior and furniture minimalist means also refers to the less is more rule and form follow function. The atmosphere is needed in the family room is a relaxed, informal and even tends playful, then that becomes the focal point in this room is a sofa is. Choose a sofa that is simple and choose a bright color that will be formed a playful mood, do not forget to adjust your taste, lightweight design, even may be made of materials that are also lightweight. Customize your design style also in the cabinet, bookshelf, TV shelves, side tables, coffee tables and other items.
It would be better if you implement an open system in the family room so it can be more flexible to arrange the interior according to your mood and taste. If you want a variation in the family room, in a sense, so that the atmosphere is not too monotonous because it is dominated by goods stingy geometric decoration, you can play around with the decor of the room, such as pillowcases, vases or lamps. But you also still have to keep the decorations are not too dominating your living room.